The reconstruction of Solar Dryer and Warehouse with Rice Mill Component under Mindanao Trust Fund- Reconstruction and Development Project Phase II (MTF-RDP/2) at Barangay Tamparan, Munai, Lanao del Norte begins anew as it officially breaks ground on 23 May 2019.

The re-development amounting to Php 1,544,937.33 is now currently built in the progressing area of Sitio Kura-Kura. The said project shall provide preserving, storing and processing facilities for the farming communities in the Camp.

The project was initially constructed in 2016 during the First Phase of the MTF-RDP. With its commitment to fully deliver the service by any circumstance, the Community and Family Services International (CFSI), Project Management Unit, opted to continue what has been started in this second phase.

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With the attendance of the officials and delegates from the CFSI and Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA), representatives from the People’s Organization (PO) and Joint Task Forces on Camps Transformation (JTFCT) cut the first turf on the site marking the re-commencement of the construction.

“Our organization is committed to support in the completion of this project,” said Edris Angni, Tamparan Farmers Association President. “Our role is to monitor and make sure that everything goes well in the project construction,” he stated.

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Following the ceremony, the teams also had a courtesy visit with Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Commander now Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Member Hadji Abdullah “Bravo” Macapaar. CFSI, BDA, and JTFCT representatives discussed the overview of the project, the purpose of the visit, as well as the plans in the operation and the project status. Macapaar, on the other hand, updated the teams on his involvement with the BTA, his plans with Camp Bilal, and the progress on the support involving the Camp through working with development partners.

“The warehouse needs to be finished because all visitors who are coming in are asking about the uncompleted building,” Macapaar stressed. “I will commit to personally supervise the projects and follow-up all the persons involved,” he said. “Remember that all of you are welcome here and whenever anyone from the Team will be around, please feel free to visit me,” he added.

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This project initiative is implemented through MTF-RDP/2, a project partnership agreement between the Community and Family Services International (CFSI) and the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA), funded by The World Bank through the Mindanao Trust Fund (MTF).

The MTF-RDP/2 implementation is in accordance with the 2014 Comprehensive Agreement on Bangsamoro (CAB) which seeks to improve access of identified beneficiary communities in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao particularly the six previously acknowledged camps of the MILF such as Camp Abubakar as-Siddique, Camp Badre, Camp Bilal, Camp Bushra, Camp Omar and Camp Rajamuda, to basic socio-economic infrastructure and alternative learning system.

The MTF is a multi-donor trust fund supported by benefactors such as the European Union, the government of Sweden, Australia, Canada, United States, New Zealand and the World Bank. The World Bank functions as Trust Fund Administrator of the MTF.

In support to the objectives of the MTF-RDP/2, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) provided complementary assistance directly to CFSI through the project referred to as “Supporting Access to Basic Services and Building Institutional Capacity in Conflict Affected Areas in Mindanao.”