Make A Donation
In the unfortunate event of humanitarian crisis, CFSI initiates its emergency response to widespread devastation and massive displacement brought about by calamities, both natural and man-made. You can help further rebuild the lives and protect the well being and dignity of people uprooted by persecution, armed conflict, disasters, and other exceptionally difficult circumstances. Every contribution counts!
Donations can be made to the following accounts, while cheques can be made out to CFSI and mailed to CFSI, MCC – PO Box 2733, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines.
PH peso (PhP) account for humanitarian emergencies:
Account Name: Community and Family Services International (CFSI)
Account Number: 0681002111
Bank Name: Bank of the Philippine Islands
Bank Address: 1797 Evangelista St., Makati City, Philippines 1233

US dollar (USD) account for humanitarian emergencies:
Account Name: Community and Family Services International (CFSI)
Account Number: 0684009982
Bank Name: Bank of the Philippine Islands
Bank Address: 1797 Evangelista St., Makati City, Philippines 1233
To enable CFSI to issue receipts quickly and to be able to properly acknowledge donors, we ask that you please fill out the following form: