Every family has a unique story.

This proves true for Sama Bajaus who are participating in the Sama Bajau Capacity Strengthening Project (SBCSP) being implemented by CFSI through the funding support of the European Union. The SBCSP aims to support vulnerable Sama Bajau families and address their risks to statelessness by providing 300 family beneficiaries with capacity strengthening activities on civil, human, and political rights, trainings on environmentally sustainable income-generating activities, and livelihood starter kits.

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Ismael Absari is among the beneficiaries of SBCSP. He lives in Rio Hondo, Zamboanga City where fishing is the primary livelihood source. Through the SBCSP, Ismael, a fisherfolk himself, was able to prepare his own livelihood plan and was granted his request for fishing boat construction materials. Furthermore, the SBCSP partnership with the Office of the City Agriculture (OCA), Maritime Police, and City Treasurer’s Office also helped fisherfolks like Ismael process the registration of their boats with ease. Ismael himself was very enthusiastic as it was the first time in 50 years that he had his boat officially registered. Ismael’s son, Sabri, is an Information Technology student in one of the state universities in Zamboanga City. While studying, he also helps out his father in their fishing activities. Ismael shared that their small fishing business enables him to provide financial support for his son’s education.

To learn more about the SBCSP, click here to view the Project Briefer.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of CFSI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.